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Our Current and On-Demand Webinars

Early Warning System (EWS) Scores 

Early warning system (EWS) scores are tools used by hospital care teams to recognize the early signs of clinical deterioration to initiate early intervention and management. These tools involve assigning a numeric value to several physiologic parameters (e.g., systolic blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, level of consciousness, and urine output) to derive a composite score that is used to identify a patient. Recent modifications have improved the consistency of patient outcomes.  


Noninvasive Ventilation

The use of noninvasive ventilation has markedly increased over the past two decades, and noninvasive ventilation has now become an integral tool in the management of both acute and chronic respiratory failure, in both the home setting and in the critical care unit.


Patient Monitoring

In today’s complex healthcare environment, the demands on clinicians are immense. Patient Monitoring systems are designed to help clinicians make informed decisions and reduce variation in care delivery. This series of webinars will focus on monitoring strategies to reduce risk of complications during intra-hospital transportation of acutely and critically ill patients. Additionally, one webinar discusses approaches to overcoming the challenges in implementing new monitoring technology. 


Neonatal Care

Today, more newborns and high-risk neonates have a better chance of thriving because of the advances in medicine and the dedicated care they receive from neonatal nurses on the front line. Developmental positioning, reducing risks of unplanned extubation and early identification of hyperbilirubinemia have contributed to improved outcomes.

New On-demand Webinar

Drop Your Mental Load by Picking Up New Innovations for Alarm Fatigue



Bridgid Joseph, DNP, RN, CCNS

CEO ThriveIn LLC, Healthcare Consulting 

Recent Webinars

Sepsis:  The hemodynamic challenging patient



Angela Craig, MS, APN, CCNS, CCRN-K

Clinical Nurse Specialist for ICU, CRMC
Sepsis Coordinator

Cookeville Regional Medical Center

The Modifiable Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS):  We’ve come a long way baby!



Barbara A. McLean,


Grady Health System, Grady Memorial Hospital

                                    Emory University,

                                    Atlanta, GA.

Early Initiation NIV at Home Improves Survival of COPD Patients



William D Frazier, MD

Chief Medical Officer 

ViemedLafayette, LA

Respiratory Device Pressure Injury: Recommendations from the SECURE Prevention Consensus 



Joyce Black, PhD, RN, FAAN

Florence Neidfelt Endowed Chair in Nursing
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE  68198

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