Respiratory Device Pressure Injury: Recommendations from
the SECURE Prevention Consensus
Joyce Black, PhD, RN, FAAN
Many of the most used medical devices are frequently associated with device-related pressure ulcers which can cause life-threatening infections. The global scale of the problem is considerable and in 2019 an international group of medical professionals developed an international consensus statement on device related pressure ulcers: SECURE Prevention. Respiratory devices account for more than 70% of the medical device pressure injuries. Based on this ground-breaking consensus statement, this webinar, presented by one of the authors, will provide detailed advice on how to prevent debilitating respiratory device related pressure ulcers.
Learning Objectives
Explain the pressure, shear forces and microclimate changes on the skin-device interface that leads to pressure injury.
Describe approaches to reduce the risk of medical device pressure injury from respiratory delivery devices.
Faculty Bio:
Dr. Joyce Black is an Associate Professor in the Adult Health and Illness Department. Dr. Black has received awards from UNMC and the College for her teaching. Her research areas of interest are in wound healing, specifically in pressure ulcers. Dr. Black's dissertation examined the patient and wound factors that contributed to healing or nonhealing of diabetics with pressure ulcers. She is certified in wound healing, plastic surgical nursing and is a Fellow in the American Professional Wound Care Association. Dr. Black is the current President of the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and chairman of the NPUAP's task force to redefine pressure ulcer staging.