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The Modifiable Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS): 
We’ve come a long way baby!


Barbara A. McLean, MN, RN, CCRN, CCNS-BC, NP-BC, FCCM


Today, health care providers are serving more patients with increasedcomplex needs. When there are just too few nurses and heavier patient assignments, it is almost impossible to have eyes on all the patient data and determine what information is predictive of potential clinical deterioration. Clinical judgment is enhanced with the use of early warning scores (EWS/MEWS). The Modifiable EWS or MEWS, is a decision support tool that encompasses the monitoring of respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, systolic blood pressure, pulse, temperature and level of consciousness as well as selected laboratory models and other objective parameters. This presentation will reveal the ways in which a Modified EWS can be integrated into practice by alerting nurses of possible deterioration while still relying on clinical skills and clinical judgment.


Learning Objectives:

After this activity, the participant will be able to:

  1. Discuss   the role of the modifiable MEWS’ identification of deterioration.

  2. Describe opportunities for HCPs to assess the overall patient situation when objective signs point to deterioration.

  3. Describe improving patient outcomes and increase focus on adverse events


Faculty Bio

Currently, Ms. McLean is the advancing evidence-based practice clinical specialist for the division of critical care at the Grady Health System, Atlanta GA. She is a member of many professional organizations including the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN), the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and the American Association of Surgery and Trauma. Ms. McLean has been awarded the excellence in education award by the AACN as well as the circle of excellence for clinical practice in 2014 and the SCCM has presented her with the prestigious Norma J. Shoemaker Award for critical care nursing excellence in 2013. Barbara has written 24 chapters 16 articles and is a regular reviewer for Critical Care Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine and NEJM. She is world renowned speaker providing over 3800 programs worldwide on hemodynamics, sepsis and CoVID-19 and clinical monitoring.

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