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Bedside Lung Protective Ventilation: A Personalize Approach

Prof. F Javier Belda, MD, PhD

Description:Invasive mechanical ventilation is the main supportive therapy used in ICU patients. However, although mechanical ventilation is critical for the survival of patients with acute respiratory failure, it can also be injurious (ventilator-induced lung injury) to non- affected lung areas, or to normal lungs. A well-recognized strategy, lung protective ventilation, can prevent lung injury and decrease morbidity and mortality in ARDS as well as non-ARDS patients. Lung protective ventilation is based on low tidal volumes and limited airway pressures (plateau, PEEP and driving pressures). These parameters need to be closely monitored at bedside in order to develop a personalized approach to protective mechanical ventilation and ultimately, improve outcomes.


Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this educational activity, the participant will be able to:

  1. Discuss the clinical evidence relating to ventilator-induced lung injury 

  2. Discuss the physiological basis of lung protective ventilation (LPV) 

  3. Describe the settings for LPV at the bedside

  4. Discuss the personalize approach to bedside monitoring of LPV  


Faculty Bio:

F Javier Belda, MD, PhD, is Professor of Anesthesiology at the Department of Surgery,University of Valencia, Spain and  is affiliated with the  Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care in the Hospital Clinico Universitario (Valencia, Spain). He is member of the Education and Training Committee and the EDAIC-2 Subcommittee (ESA, EU), and past member of the Respiratory Subcommittee (ESA) and Critical Care Program of the ATS (USA). He has participated in more than 40 national and international projects focused in ventilatory strategies for prevention and treatment of lung injury. He is editor of 15 books, and author of more than 220 research papers and. He is reviewer for JAMA, Lancet, Anesthesiology, EJA, Critical Care Medicine and other high impact journals. Prof. Belda has been an invited speaker in more than 500 international conferences and other teaching events.   

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