A Fresh Perspective on Traditional Clinical Monitoring
Bridgid Joseph, DNP, RN, CCNS
Director of Patient Experience
Yale New Haven Health Center
London, CT
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Clinical monitoring is one of the primary ways that clinicians continuously observe trends in patients baseline health and response to treatment. In order to ensure accuracy of the data derived from the monitors attached to our patients that clinicians heavily rely upon, the placement of these monitoring leads is crucial. Melding the technology requirements with the needs of our patients, will lead to optimization of monitoring. Through case studies, you will learn the common pitfalls in monitoring and strategies to improve outcomes.
Learning Objectives:
After this activity, the participant will be able to:
1. Discuss the technological needs for ideal clinical monitoring of patients
2. Describe optimal practices in clinical monitoring
3. Utilize case reviews to support clinical monitoring needs, common pitfalls in monitoring, and prevention strategies
Faculty Bio
Dr. Joseph is a certified clinical nurse specialist and resuscitation committee nurse specialist. Currently, she is the Director of Patient Experience at the Yale New Haven Health Center in London, CT. Previously, Dr. Joseph was Program Director of Emergency Cardiovascular Care Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston as well as the Director of Simulation Education, Department of Nursing at the same institution. Additionally, Dr. Joseph has worked in a variety of fields and specialties as a Legal Nurse Expert Consultant, an Inter-Professional Education (IPE) Consultant as well as conducting clinical research with focus on resuscitation. Dr. Joseph has been an invited speaker at numerous medical conferences