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Battling Burnout in Respiratory Care
Andrew G Miller 


Health care is a stressful field that can have an adverse effect on worker well-being. This especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic. Burnout is highly prevalent in healthcare and is associated with adverse outcomes for patients, healthcare workers, and organizations. Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of professional efficacy. In this presentation, our speaker will define burnout, identify drivers of burnout among healthcare providers, discuss burnout prevalence, and cover strategies to combat burnout. 


Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:

  1. Identify drivers of burnout

  2. Discuss burnout prevalence 

  3. Discuss strategies and implementation to combat burnout


Faulty Bio:

Mr. Miller is currently a pediatric Respiratory Care Practitioner, ECMO Specialist and charge therapist at Duke University Medical Center. He has been a member of the AARC since 2006 and was inducted as a Fellow of the AARC in 2020. He is the author of over 50 peer-reviewed publications and has lectured on a variety of respiratory care topics, including multiple publications related to pediatric asthma. His most recent published Respiratory Carearticle entitled, Prevalence of Burnout Among Respiratory Therapists Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Continuing Education for Nurses and Respiratory Therapists 

This program has been approved for 1.0 contact hour. Continuing Respiratory Care Education (CRCE) credit by the American Association of Respiratory Care. This education activity is approved for 1.0 contact hour. Provider approved by California Board of Nursing, Provider # 14477
and the Florida Board of Nursing Provider # 50-17032

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