Welcome to Philips Medical Consumables Loyalty Program!
Below is your selection of Philips MCS Loyalty Program on-demand CE-accredited courses offered to you as a loyalty program customer at no charge.
To view the webinar and obtain your CE, please register on this page. Once you register you can access all the webinar listed. You need only to register once.
Complete instructions to obtain your certificate of completion are available once you have accessed the webinar(s).
Intra-Transport of Critically Ill Patients:
How to Keep Them Safe
Speaker: Sheila Whalen, DNP, RN-BC
COVID Clinical Deterioration outside the ICU:
Prediction, Detection, and Escalation
Speaker: Stephen K. Dickson, MS, RRT, RRT-NPS
Patient-Centric Monitoring:
Using technology to enhance patient care
Speaker: Cheryl Le Huquet DNP, RN NE-BC
Pulse Oximetry: A Necessary Tool
in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Speaker: Gregg Stiver, BSc., RRT, CPRT
High Flow Therapy and Non-Invasive
Ventilation in COVID-19 Patients
Speaker: Thomas Piraino, RRT, FCSRT, FAARC
Assessing Lung Function and Cardiac Output with Capnography
Speaker: Tom Ahrens, PhD, RN, FAAN
Advanced Pulmonary Assessment
Use of Capnography and Oximetry
Speakers: Tom Ahrens, PhD, RN, FAAN and
Michael H. Ackerman DNS, RN, CENP, FCCM, FNAP, FAANP